Soap Savers

Color Soap Pad - Beige

We provide products to extend the life of your soap bars, so you can keep them free of toxic & harmful ingredients. Soap Savers, aka “Lifts," body poofs, wash rags, & soap bags, etc., are must-haves for bar soap lovers.

Important things to remember when using our silk skin soaps:

Our Silk Skin Soaps are formulated to help prevent over-drying your skin, while still not leaving you feeling greasy. To get the most out of your bar, we suggest not scrubbing it directly against your skin. Too much water and friction can lead to quicker wear and tear.

For sudsy success, lather up with a wet soap saver bag, wash cloth or body-poof! Scrub your stinkies, if you have some extra funk hit it twice (we won't tell!). Then rinse and you're good to go!

 Natural soap won't last long if you don't let it air-dry after each use. To maximize the life of your soapy delight by keeping it in its special soap bag or on a drying rack! Avoid constant running water when not in use.

Bar Care Tips

🚫 Don't rest the bar on non-stainless steal metals or solid surfaces; non-stainless steal metals ruin natural soap and solid surfaces cause it to quickly break down.

✅ Use a non-metal, airy "Lift" to protect and dry it between uses.

🚫 Avoid leaving your soap in a sunny window. Sunlight will reduce effectiveness, scent, and overall look of the bar.

🚫 Placing the bar in the shower weakens it.

✅ "Lifts" and soap savers can add up to 40% to the bar's lifespan by allowing it to dry between uses.